A week in Portugal with Alma Luz Distillery

There is something extremely special about Portugal, especially the Algarve. It has a peaceful laid back nature, and with its hot summers and rolling hills of dry vegetation, abruptly ending at the cliff faces which meet the ocean, it is an area of outstanding beauty. The area, especially Praia Da Luz, where I stayed for this photography shoot instantly takes a grip on you. It hugs you and won’t let go, leading you to want to return year after year.

So when Jodi and Carl, owners of Alma Luz Distillery reached out to ask if I would photograph a campaign for their upcoming mulberry gin, I jumped on the opportunity.

On day one of the shoot, I won’t forget my early morning sat on the balcony of my accommodation. The sun rose silently above “The Point” that Praia Da Luz is known for and basked the area in the most beautiful tones. I finished my duplo (a double expresso for those ordering in Portugal), grabbed my camera gear, and headed to their original distillery, which is soon to be replaced by a larger distillery in the heart of Lagos.

I wanted document and learn more about what Alma Luz put into their gin production, and upon arriving, was greeted by Carl and Jodi who got right to it, showing me the ropes.

The story of Alma Luz Distillery can be found on their website, but I am not here to tell you that story. Instead, I hope this documentary series will show you the passion which goes into their operation.

I was amazed at the knowledge, passion, and work ethic that Carl and Jodi put into their gin. Story after story of trials, success, and plans for the future had me hooked. Not only did I love capturing these two in action, I learned so much about a specialty which I knew absolutely nothing about. Temperatures, timings, charts writing down numbers that were way over my head, but were necessary in the distilling process- the list of things to think about went on and on, and I felt like I was watching two scientists create a magical elixir which was capable of a Nobel Prize. It was a humbling experience.

When I originally chatted to Alma Luz, they had the vision of styled shoots around the Algarve, however when the opportunity arose to photograph at a family run mulberry farm (owned by Montialto), which supplies the mulberries for their new gin- we jumped on it!

The vision for this shoot was to capture the blend between tradition which has run through the land for decades, and passion, which is brought to the table by Carl and Jodi in the gin they produce. It was the perfect opportunity to showcase family which runs strong in both Alma Luz Distillery, and Montialto.

Upon arriving, we met up with Tiago and his grandfather, who were amazing people in their own right. I got out my cameras, and began snapping interactions and moments between these three families, witnessing a beautiful partnership which this new gin has created in front of my very eyes.

Then the fun (although extremely messy fun) began. As we walked in between the mulberry trees a sea of hands could be seen, reaching out, and picking the freshest, and may I add tastiest mulberries I have ever had! For those who don’t know however, even with careful hands, mulberry picking can lead to crime like scenes…

As the summer heat began to hit, it was time for the activity to slow down, with Carl and Jodi bringing out the cooler filled with fresh lemon, their new mulberry gin, ice and glasses. Carl got making us all a glass, using Fever Tree Tonic, and garnishing each drink with fresh mulberries straight from the trees.

Beautiful tasting mulberry gin, in a nice glass with ice surrounded by a traditional Portuguese setting… It was simple moment for me I won’t forget as a photographer. I enjoyed every last drop.

However, the highlight for me was capturing one of the children hand Tiago’s grandfather an ice cold Alma Luz Distillery mulberry gin and tonic, him take a sip, and smile with approval. It was such a special moment, and these were exactly the type of photographs I set out to take- the moments where tradition meets passion.

I really enjoyed my time with Alma Luz Distillery, not only getting to know their product, but also the time spent with Carl, Jodi, and their families. Truly lovely people, living the dream in the sun-kissed Algarve.

Here’s a bunch more shots from the day which I hope you enjoy.

-until next time-


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